Control Burns and Fire Warden Information
The service is for property owners who need help with obtaining permits for control burns or open-air animal cremations. We can also help you obtain permits from your local fire warden. We have expanded our Control Burn area to 200km from Chinchilla
Fire Management
We provide a general fire fighting service for grass/vegetation fires, asset and structural protection. We have chainsaws, bug burners, traffic control measures.

All Agency Backup or First Response
We provide a water relay service to any agency, with a 12hp Diesel high flow 100mmx75mm pump. We can be utilised as a 1st response or as a backup. For our main fire fighting pump we are using a 16hp motor coupled to a SHP50 Cast Iron high pressure wet end pump kit, running at 150psi. Both pumps can be used to relay water too much needed recourses from a static water supply, but soon to be from a reticulated/town water supply via a fire hydrant stand pipe. The 100mm x 75 mm pump can also be used for dewatering/flooded areas at a rate of up to 160,000lts per hour. The main fire pump can deliver up to 29,000lts per hour. We also have a portable 8hp 50mm high flow pump that will give a rate of approx. 48,000lts per hour. We would also like to extend an offer to any agency wishing to inspect what we have to offer and how we can help each other. We can be deployed as either an active front line attack or just a water relay from a static water supply. Our service is a genuine offer of help.

Animal Destruction
Open Air Cremations and Feral Control
We, at Western Edge Fire Service, offer property owners animal destruction and feral control services. Animal Destruction is a service for property owners who can’t destroy sick or injured animals themselves. We come out and do the service and we can even do open-air cremations for those animals. We also offer a feral control program for properties over 40.25 acres, which is a legal requirement, as well for unwanted or destructive wild animals. We are SSAA Farmer Assist (FAP) accredited and we are also looking at further training through All States Training for AHCPMG304 – The use of firearms to destroy animals humanely.